Brufut Lower Basic School has a total roll of 1,857 children out of which 850 are Boys and 1,007 are girls with the total of teaching staff of 65 Teachers. The school has only 46 classrooms that’s why the school is in double shift (afternoon shift)…. CASA Gambia felt compelled to help after visiting the school found in a terrible state.
Brufut Lower Basic School has so many constraints, but the most needed are as follows;
- Furniture for classrooms (for 1.000 children)
- Furniture, chairs and tables for teachers (if possible 60)
- School library roof and ceiling renovation
- Children’s toilet (nee pits needed)
- New roof for Staff quarters
- Plaster floors of all 46 classroom.
Casa Gambia is appealing to any individual or organization to come to their aid to make Brufut Lower Basic School great again. As the School is under resourced and currently it is in its dilapidated state they really need our support. Funds coming from the government through Ministry of Education in the name of subvention comes with directives. The school administration made several requests for support at the Ministry but none is granted. There is no conductive teaching and learning environment at the school at the moment and continuing like that will affect the school and a generation to come. The school needs a lot of things but the most urgently needed are:
Both financial donations and in-kind donation are very welcome! Contact us if you want to support the Brufut children to get better education.