CASA Gambia this evening signed a contact worth GMD 176,466 with Mr. Babacarr Jobe for the renovation of both the interior and exterior of the school building and construct a veranda for all classroom blocks without varanda,and also construct food vendor table at Sheikh Mahfuz Bilingual School for the period of three weeks.
An amount of GMD 75,000 is what has been charged by Mr. Babucarr Jobe as his workmanship to accomplish the entire contract. In this contract, an amount is GMD 101,466 shall be the total material cost of the said contract. However, a part payment of GMD 37,500 which stands as 50% of his workmanship shall be paid to the contractor before work starts and thereafter pay 45% which stand as GMD 43,750 to Mr. Jobe upon completion on 50% of works and 5% which stand as GMD 3,750 after accomplishing of the entire work. We wish Mr. Jobe all the best in executing this works and look forward to working together in the near future.
We would like to thank our partners – Embassy of the Federal Republic of the Germany for their continued support.